In scram jets combustion occurs at super sonic air velocities. Oxygen is directly available from air and there is no need for tank to store oxygen. the velocities with which these engines run are very high about 10 -15 times sonic speed.
Intake of air matters a lot in this design . and it is a bit complex .
If the pressures with which air enter s the combustor increases we get high speeds .
In order to achieve high pressures the intake is designed in such a way to increase pressure. The main principle behind it being oblique shock occurrence which causes an increase in pressure and change in direction of flow .
The body of jet is provided with ramps (as shown in figure ) which are responsible for generation of oblique shock waves.the generation of oblique shock occurs at the tip of the ramp .the designing is done in such a way that the shock wave direction after meeting the ramp tips converge at the inlet of the intake of combustor and the flow is also directed towards the intake .
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